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External Advisory Board

  • ​Vinton (Vint) G. Cerf, Ph.D

    ​Vinton (Vint) G. Cerf, Ph.D

    “Father of the Internet”;

    Co-designer, TCP/IP protocols

    Alan M. Turing Medalist

    V.P and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Inc.

  • Shu Chien, Ph.D

    Shu Chien, Ph.D

    Professor, Bioengineering, UCSD

    Director, Institute of Engineering and Medicine

    U.S National Medal of Science (2011)

    Member, NAE, NAS, IoM, AAAS.

  • Gordon N. Gill, M.D

    Gordon N. Gill, M.D

    Professor Emeritus, UCSD

    Former Dean of Science, UCSD

  • Melvin I. Simon, Ph.D

    Melvin I. Simon, Ph.D

    Professor Emeritus, Caltech

    Co-Chair, the Alliance for Cell

    Signaling (AFCS; 1999-2009)